Stories For Children and Their Adults

Challenge your perspectives, occupy your mind. A New Series For Children... and Their adults.

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Cindy Graves

As a single mother of four, Cindy Graves studied Applied Mathematics and received her Bachelor of Science degree from Weber State University in 1994. She then went on to complete a 25-year career as an SDET Programmer and Analyst. She is currently retired from the technical world, writing poetry and children's stories, and living in Utah.

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Collection of poetry, short stories, and thoughts.

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Children Series 

A series for young children and their adults.

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Priors Press Publishing

A New publishing company Created for everyone.

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by cindy gravesJAN 24th, 2024

The biggest News is the NEWS itself! We have a brand new website, a brand new NEWS section, all empty and void just waiting for me to unroll it and fill it up with news! 

But what exactly is news? The word news came into being in the middle ages as the plural of New. What is New? It seems the News of today isn't very New anymore. Just how many shootings or brutalities or pandemic threats or political fights can we endure before we become enured to the News, and the News becomes the Olds?

Sometimes I feel like the news of today is just rehashing the same old issues listed in my daughter's debate team manual from the 90's. Its been over 20 years, folks! Can't we at least argue about something new in the News? 

I guess I could fill these rolls of unwritten News with marketing ploys to get my readers to buy something... Yeah, here's something free, but gimme gimme gimme!  Can you tell I have a great aversion to Marketing Engineering? I call it ME for short, and define it as the psychological manipulation of people for the purpose of getting them to give away all their money.  There is only so much ME ME MEing I can subject myself and others to.  If there is value, great! Buy something and enjoy, and join the conversation. If not, great! Don't buy something, but still enjoy and still join the conversation. I value your perspectives and wish to understand your views, either way. 

So that is news! 

Perspectives differ, views change, so much so that it puts me in mind of a little HTML page I wrote back in the 90's when HTML was new. I called it "The Meaning of Life!".  When first arriving on the page, all was white. It almost seemed as though The Meaning of Life was empty. But hovering a mouse around the page brought up hidden words. Yes. I think I shall resurrect that code and upgrade it to work on the devices of today. I wonder how a mouse hover will translate to a finger doodad on a smart phone...

Stay Tuned for the All New Meaning Of Life! Coming to you through this New News section. And while you wait, please think of ways to share your own meaning of life. I wrote mine in code way back in the day. The meaning still endures, my beliefs have not changed, only the code has become obsolete. To this day, I write pieces of my meaning of life in poems, stories, and blogs like this one. Yours can be shared with words, music, art, code....What is the meaning of life to you? And how can you best share it with us? 

I believe that there is a unique meaning of life for every person that has a life, and I further believe that sharing our perspective on life will help us to understand and more fully appreciate the miracle that is life. 

So bring it on! 

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